129 W.Washington St
Sequim, WA  98382

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The Blue Whole Gallery is a Cooperative Gallery in business since 1997. That means that all members, about 28, of the Gallery contribute to the operating expenses of the Gallery through both monthly membership dues and commissions on work that is sold in the Gallery. In addition, all members participate in the day-to-day operation of the Gallery through regular duties such as Gallery sitting and maintenance, membership on various committees, assisting with preparation and serving of food and beverage at Gallery functions (such as the monthly First Friday celebration), and special projects.

The name of the gallery comes from a term pilots use to describe the “blue hole” in the skies above Sequim which contrasts with the normally cloudy pacific northwest. The “hole” in the clouds was changed to “whole” to convey the concept of “wholeness” in terms of the overall diversity of media and styles represented in our gallery.

A new show is hung in the gallery at the beginning of every month. Then, on the First Friday of the month, we hold a reception from 5:00 to 8:00pm for the public to view the new showing of artworks for that month. Refreshments are served. Many other shops and restaurants in downtown Sequim are open on First Fridays along with us, so there is plenty to see and do.