2023 Scholarship Information:


For  more information or to recommend a student for the OPAA Scholarship email Anne Milligan, Scholarship Coordinator at amilliganart@hotmail.com

You may view and download forms below, or click here to go directly to the entry form.


Awards 2021

Madeleine Montana
Victoria Donoghue

The Olympic Peninsula Art Association (OPAA) is excited to announce three Student Scholarship recipients for 2021.  All three entered portfolios containing six excellent artworks.  This year two $1000 scholarships were awarded. One to Port Angeles high school student, Madeline Montana. 

The second $1000 scholarship was awarded to Victoria Donoghue from Clallam Bay High School.  A third $250 Honorable Mention scholarship as awarded to Katelyn Sheldon, also from Port Angeles High.

The annual scholarship is open to all Clallam County High School Seniors.  Students are asked to submit a portfolio of up to 6 artworks, including narratives of the ideas and art studies explored in their work, plus a statement of their intended direction(s) in education and the visual arts.  Awards are made based on originality, imagination, invention, technical skill and quality.

This year’s Scholarships were awarded in the name of Kali Bradford, who before her passing in 2020, had been a longtime OPAA member, Board member, teacher, artist & was a recognized local and international sand sculptor.  She loved investing in others and was an inspiration to many.



2021 OPAA Student Scholarship
Deadline for the online 2021 Portfolio Application is
10 pm, Saturday, April 10, 2020

Olympic Peninsula Art Association offers scholarships each year to Clallam County High School Seniors in an effort to encourage students to continue their artistic studies in college, tech, or trade school.

Art Portfolios may contain up to a maximum of 6 artworks. Digital photos or videos of original artwork must be uploaded and submitted for consideration with the online application by 10 pm Saturday, April 10th.

Original artwork of scholarship recipients must be available for display in the annual OPAA Members’ Art Show currently scheduled for Fall 2021.

The portfolio of works may come from one medium or any combination of mediums, and may be from any art category. Mediums include (but are not limited to)

• Two-Dimensional:

(2-D artwork must be mounted or matted for display in the Members’ Art Show) Drawing-colored pencil, pencil, ink, marker, pastels, charcoal, etc. (Charcoal and pastel drawings must be fixed.) Painting-oil, acrylic, watercolor, etc. Printmaking-lithographs, silkscreen, block prints, etc. Graphic Design-abstract, fabric, cartoon, comic/graphic novel Photography Digital imaging- Computer generated art Collage- (Must be two-dimensional) Mixed Media-use of more than two mediums

• Three-Dimensional:

Sculpture-carving, modeling, assemblage; metal, wood, glass etc. Ceramics & Pottery Jewelry.

The OPAA judges are looking for artwork(s) that demonstrates:

  • Originality, Imagination and Invention in decision-making, problem solving, & experimentation, and the emergence of a personal “Vision or Voice.”
  • Composition &Technical Skill- knowledge & application of the Elements and Principles of Art/Design, and purposeful use of materials & techniques to achieve meaning.
  •  Number of Artworks in Portfolio, Accomplishment and Quality- overall consistent personal growth, confidence; artwork is visually engaging.

Portfolio Submission Directions:

1. Take digital photos or a narrated video of completed artwork (up to 6) with a phone or digital camera.

2. Go to the OPAA website (opaagroup.org), follow the link found under Scholarships, and complete the online application, *electronically sign, and upload up to 6 jpg images or a video of your original artwork to complete your digital portfolio entry. *If under 18, a parent must also complete the parent consent form and mail to OPAA Scholarship, P.O. Box 1842, Sequim, WA,98382.

3. By completing and signing the application form the applicant understands and agrees to the following:

  • a. The portfolio of artwork submitted for consideration is original and created by the applicant. The artwork is in no way a violation of, or an infringement upon any copyright by any third party. The OPAA will be held harmless from any claims of infringement of copyright by any third party.
  • b. OPAA reserves the right to use images of artwork entries, applicants, and use the artist’s name for purpose of documentation, education, and publicity including the OPAA Newsletter, Website and Facebook page.
  • c. Decision of the OPAA Board Members is final.

4. The following information must be included for each artwork: ARTWORK TITLE, MEDIUM, SIZE and DESCRIPTION.

5. Scholarship Applications with digital Portfolios will be accepted until 10 pm Saturday, April 10th at the OPAA Scholarship Application site found at: https://form.jotform.com/200905060259045

6. Although digital photos or videos are accepted for consideration, an original artwork must be available for display from scholarship recipients during the Members’ Art Show currently scheduled for fall 2021.

7. Scholarship awards to graduating seniors will be announced by April 30, 2021. Decisions of the OPAA Board members are final. For more information or to recommend a student for the OPAA Scholarship email Allyne Lawson, Scholarship Coordinator at malawson55@aol.com