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The Landing Mall
115 E. Railroad Ave, Suite 103
Port Angeles, WA 98362

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Artist Statement:

My art is an expression of how I see the world sometimes with precision and other times with pure color.  I paint not just what I see but how I feel about a subject.  Photos are many times my starting point but seldom the ending.  Someone once asked me why my painting did not look just like the photo I was painting from.  My answer is the painting is how I feel about the subject not a copy of the photo.

I love to play with color. Whether it is in a landscape or an abstract, color is the most important aspect of my paintings.  My art like my garden is a hodgepodge of color and shapes.  I love color and revel in the way that nature blends color without the apparent need of theory or rules.  I find great challenges in playing one color against another or seeing how many ways I can use the same color in a painting.

After years of painting in oils I have begun to play with watercolors, acrylics and mixed media. I am finding that I can let myself go and not worry about the subject of the artwork but concentrate on the design and colors.  I find blending the real and the abstract fascinating.  My practical self is no longer looking over my shoulder and saying “That doesn’t look like a tree to me.”  If the design is good it no longer matters what inspiration I started with.  The end product is what gives me pleasure and a sense of accomplishment whether it is a realistic image, an abstract or something in between.


Linda Stadtmiller has been interested in art since she was a teenager and lived in Europe with her parents. They spent many hours visiting the great museums located throughout Europe.  She attended college in California where she received a degree in Art History with a double major in business along with taking many studio classes. After working, living overseas with her husband and raising a family she decided to go back to producing art.

Linda is a past president of Sequim Arts and currently on the City of Sequim Arts Commission.. Besides being active in the local artist community she has exhibited in many local shows and venues.  You can see Linda’s Artwork at her studio space in the Landing Mall, 115 Railroad Ave, Port Angeles Suite #103. Please visit the Landing Artists Studio Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/landingartistsstudio?ref=hl

About Linda’s Logo. Linda has used this signature since she was a student in collage. It is a combination of her initials that she did as a child. Her maiden name is DiGiovanni hence the D in the logo.