Lauren Blair Churchill
Lauren is new to Sequim, having moved from Eastern Connecticut in May of 2020. She is a life-long artist, having experience in a variety of 2D mediums, including all forms of painting and some printmaking. She attended the University of Michigan in the early 70’s, and finished her visual arts degree at Eastern Connecticut State University in 1989. She was a member of the Norwich Arts Council from 1990 to 2003, and was President of the gallery group for two years. In 2009 she began her involvement with the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, an artist retreat center in upstate New York founded by Alex and Allyson Grey, both internationally known artists. For over ten years she volunteered her services and attended classes with artists such as David Heskin, Aloria Weaver, Amanda Sage, Laurence Caruana, and Mark Henson. She learned techniques and methods in oil and acrylic painting, and has continued her studies virtually, including a class with Michael Fuchs last summer. She is currently involved with a virtual artists group called the Vision Train founded by Amanda Sage. She has taught art to both children and adults over the course of her career.
Artist Statement:
Art is a way of life for me and the act of creating is my Spiritual Practice. I am continually exploring ways to increase my proficiency in painting, particularly with oils. This includes figure drawing studies, and more classes with my favorite teachers! I take inspiration from the world around me, especially nature. I am also continually inspired by the creative efforts of my fellow artists, and am excited to be living in such a beautiful place on the Olympic Peninsula. I am looking forward to taking in some Plein Aire work, weather permitting!