Call for Artists
Open to OPAA Members
The Olympic Peninsula Art Association (OPAA) is seeking original art entries, in any medium, for the “Fall Fantastic” Art Show & Sale, to be held September 4th – 6th in the Sequim Civic Center Council Chambers, located 152 W. Cedar Street.
Deadline for submission is Thursday, August 28th at 10:00 p.m. The fee to enter is $15 for the first artwork entered and $10 for the second. Each member may enter up to two (2) artworks that have never previously been entered in the Members’ Show, and were created no more than three (3) years ago. OPAA is requiring an online application & payment process for this exhibit. To enter online: click to follow the link or copy & paste the link–sale, complete the online entry form, and attach one digital image for each entry (no more than 2).
Online Entry click here
OPAA Conditions and Release form PDF click here