Call for Artists
Open to OPAA Members
The Olympic Peninsula Art Association (OPAA) is seeking original art entries, in any medium, for the
OPAA Winter Members’ Art Show & Sale Fundraiser
December 1, 2021– January 31, 2022
Entry Deadline: Saturday, November 13th at 10:00 p.m.
The OPAA Winter Members’ Art Show & Sale Fundraiser will be both a virtual and live exhibition. All entries will appear in a virtual exhibit, and if Covid Restrictions allow, a live show will be held simultaneously at the Sequim Museum & Art Center, 544 N Sequim Ave., Sequim, WA. In the event Covid Restrictions do not allow in-person gatherings, the exhibition will become virtual only.
The fee to enter is $10 for the first artwork entered, and $5 for each additional artwork up to three (3) total artworks. One artwork to be exhibited virtually and at the live museum show, the other two to be exhibited virtually only. The artwork must have been created in the last three (3) years, and never previously entered in an OPAA Members’ Show. OPAA is requiring an online application & payment process for this exhibit. To enter online: follow the link or copy & paste the link, https://form.jotform.com/212595947105158 into your browser, and complete the online entry form. Attach one suitable for publication* digital image for each artwork entered, no more than 3 total. *See description below in Images of Artwork
As exhibit space is limited at the museum, members will be allowed to show one artwork no larger than (2-D) 20×24” and (3-D) no larger than 15x15x18” at the live museum exhibit. The additional two artworks submitted will be accepted without size limitation for exhibition & sale in the virtual portion of the show. If there are more entries than live exhibit space at the museum, artworks will be selected for display on a “first come, first serve” basis. If there is extra exhibition space available at the live museum exhibit, artists may be asked to display additional work in the live show. The additional artwork will be selected by the OPAA Show committee from the entries submitted online.
To read the full directions and conditions, download your choice of formats below: